教育理念 Our vision

国際的感覚 International Mindset
We aim at raising children to play an active role in facing the challenges of making a better world.
諸機能の調和 Faculty and Skills
We foster the balance between physical health, widsom, moral values as well as cristal thinking.
健全な社会人 Respect and Sense of Justice
We take pride in implementing the sense of respect, justice and honesty which are crucial aspects to become valued members in local and world communities.
新時代に対応 Adapting to the New Era
We strive to raise imdependent children who are proud of their individuality and capable of adjusting th the new era.
教育目標 Our mission
Gyosei International Nagareyama Primary School’s mission to raise:

- 思いやりがあり、助け合うことのできる児童
Considerate children who don’t hesitate to help others. - 礼儀正しく、節度ある児童
Couteous and well-mannered children. - 自主性と行動力のある児童
Self-reliant and active children. - 自ら困難に立ち向かうたくましい児童
Children who are eager to take on new challenges.